Get By With a Little Help from Your Friends – The Art of the Mock Interview

One of the biggest problems that people have with interviews is that they get nervous and say things they shouldn’t say.  One of the best ways to ward off nervous jitters is to be prepared.  There are several different ways you can prepare for an interview, but I think the best way is to ask a couple of people you trust to have a mock interview with you.  Sure you can always practice questions with yourself in a mirror, but this often leads to people sounding rehearsed.  In a mock interview you still have to develop answers on the fly, but it is not as nerve wracking because you are practicing with a friend or family member.

When performing a mock interview have your helper try different interviewing types and questions so you are prepared for whatever comes your way.  A great site to get sample interview questions is  You will also want your “interviewer” to give you pointers and suggestions to make you better for the real thing.  As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, and while I don’t suggest that you should sound completely rehearsed in a job interview, I do feel that having some mock interviews with friends will help you immensely.

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