Evaluating A Job Offer

This is a very important time in your life when you need to sit down and really think about what is being offered to you!

Your decision needs to be logical and not emotional.

*Answer a few of these questions to help you make the right choice.

1.       Will I enjoy the day to day functions of this job?

2.       Can I successfully perform the day to day responsibilities of the job?

3.       Does this company offer opportunity for growth?

4.       Does this opportunity allow me to build on my previous experience?

5.       Will this job help me attain my short and long term goals?

6.       Was the company culture positive?

7.       Did I have chemistry with my prospective supervisor?

8.       Is this company stable?

9.       Are the company values aligned with my values?

10.   Is the salary fair and reasonable?

11.   Is the commute acceptable?

12.   Do the benefits offer the coverage you and/or your family needs?

13.   Is this offer a step forward?

14.   Will this experience enhance my resume?

15.   Do they offer the opportunity to learn new skills?

16.   Are the things you “can’t change” at your current job, non-existent with this new company?

Understood that some of these questions may not apply to your current search if you either have been out of a job for quite some time now and need some recent experience on your resume or if you just need some fast cash in your pocket….

But if you are thinking about making a serious CAREER move watch how many times you answered NO to any of the above questions!

Along with new job offers always evaluate counter offers from your previous employer as well. It may sound like a good idea now but think about it…why are you suddenly more valuable now than you were before you announced your resignation? If they want to give you a raise why didn’t they already give it to you and since they know you already had one foot out the door, will you be the first to get replaced or let go if downsized?

Think about it and we wish you luck! Long live your career!

Candidate Next Step-Career Advisor–February 19, 2015-www.workplacecareerportal.com

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